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- Freedom Wall
Joined: Feb 07, 2014
Post: 2

Fri Feb 07, 2014 02:45 am
Influence of Money Card in Society

Developed countries in the world were much faster to develop and promote various types  bank credit card . Credit cards gained more popularity than cash cards, debit cards, charge cards or net banking. Plastic credit offers became a talk of the town and their fame is influenced by promotions in print and online media. Value of a premiere cash card is often related with customer’s card usage and financial capability. Various co-brand and affinity cards were successful experimental ventures of credit card consortiums. A premium card is most often issued by a bank, credit union, credit consortium or financial institutions.


When a purchase is made, the credit card consumer agrees to pay the card issuer by signing a receipt containing card details. Apart from written consent, verbal authorization via telephone and electronic medium is now common. Emergency cash disbursement, interest free credit period and VISA emergency cash assistance care will be of great use to card customers. Plastic money verification is done using a credit card terminal or point of sale system with a link to credit union. E commerce, mail order, and telephone sales are other prominent modes of gold credit card usage. Exclusively designed cards of Dubai based card providers are backed by great offers as well as rewards. Major bank credit cards in UAE offer other services utility bill payments, personal loans, and frequent flyer programs. Revolving credit and cash advance facility are two smart card offers that are equally popular. Credit card companies envisaged separate cards for businessmen, pensioners and working women in the previous years.

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