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Business Discussion - Malixi AudioCast
Joined: Jan 05, 2009
Post: 3

Fri May 15, 2009 01:47 am
Malware Attacks Using Parking Tickets
Hackers are now creating ingenious ways to spread their reign of terror. Instead of relying heavily on sending emails to install harmful malware to an innocent computer user, they are now in to giving fake parking tickets.

How do they do it?

It is easy. They just get a legitimate parking ticket, change the URL that is printed along with it into another URL pointing to a Malware site and print several fake copies to be distributed to an unlucky car owner.

They know that people are especially protective to their cars and the chances of getting someone to visit that Malware site is high compared to sending ordinary emails.

Authorities believe that installing dangerous malware to personal computers is just the start, hacking bank accounts and getting personal information is something to worry about.

But don’t worry most hackers who indulge themselves to this kind of attack use ordinary yellow paper and crude printing techniques. So, if you are conspicuous enough, you could easily determine which parking ticket is genuine or not.

Source: www.

Joined: Apr 10, 2010
Post: 9

Fri May 15, 2009 01:47 am
Post Subject: " Malware Attacks Using Parking Tickets "
File protection is a way to protect your files and folders from getting lost and deleted. Most recent File Protection software have the functionality of administering permissions or access rights to specific users or group of users. File protection turns out to be very critical when it comes to protecting your privacy and maintaining secrecy of your confidential information even if you are not sharing your computer or laptop with anyone else. ` If we talk about Microsoft Windows, it only permits kernel level hooking in its 32-bit operating systems but does not permit such protection in its 64-bit Operating Systems including Windows XP 64-bit, Windows Vista 64-bit and Windows 7 64-bit and their variants. This ambiguity of Microsoft Windows is being entrenched by many file protection software which are using filter drivers to implement file locking protection instead of using kernel hooking. Now the question is that, is it really necessary to implement file protection? The obvious answer is Yes. No one among the computer users can deny the importance of data security. As with the fastest moving technology, the need of data security and file protection is getting so much emphasized that now everyone protect their files and folders that they saved in their computers so that no one can access it without their permission. Unprotected files can lead to identity theft and privacy breaches and can also cost you money, your job, lost your time and would be the cause of inconvenience for sure. Therefore, a proficiently designed file protection software is necessary not only for protecting folders and files from unauthorized users but also for protecting them from viruses, Trojans, worms, spywares, malwares and from network computers, hackers and crackers who may try to steal your files when you connect to the Internet.
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